Microsoft has taken off wraps from the latest Surface Laptop. It is the first true laptop with a non-detachable keyboard. Talk has already started about its similarities with laptops like Lenovo X1 Carbon. Here’s how the specifications and features of Surface Laptop compared to those of Lenovo X1 Carbon 5th Gen. Microsoft Surface Laptop Vs
New Samsung Notebook 9 Laptop Lineup Comes With Kaby Lake Chips
Upgraded Samsung Notebook 9 Laptops Samsung has announced that it is refreshing its flagship Notebook 9 laptops in 13-inch and 15-inch. The updated lineup comes with powerful new hardware and other minor design tweaks. They feature Intel’s latest Kaby Lake chips, jumping ahead of its rivals. Samsung Notebook 9 lineup offers a new look this
Toshiba Introduces Z20t Portege Ultrabook at Rs. 1, 30,000
Toshiba introduces a new 12.5 inch ultrabook called Toshiba Z20t Portégé. The highlight of this ultrabook is the reversible dock. It has primarily been designed to safeguard business related data. This portable 2-in-1 laptop comes with a price of Rs. 1.3 lakh and is meant for business users. The laptop features 12.5 inch full HD