Microsoft has taken off wraps from the latest Surface Laptop. It is the first true laptop with a non-detachable keyboard. Talk has already started about its similarities with laptops like Lenovo X1 Carbon. Here’s how the specifications and features of Surface Laptop compared to those of Lenovo X1 Carbon 5th Gen. Microsoft Surface Laptop Vs
Lenovo Unveils New ThinkPad P Series Laptops
Refreshed ThinkPad P Series The well-known electronics giant, Lenovo, has refreshed its ThinkPad workstation lineup with the latest Intel processors and Nvidia Quadro professional graphics. Lenovo unveiled a refreshed line of ThinkPad P Series laptops: P51, P51s and P71. They are VR-ready and all of them will start shipping in March or April. These workstations
Lenovo ThinkPad T570 with Intel Optane Targets Business Users
Lenovo is announcing a refresh to its ThinkPad lineup with launch of new laptops. It has been designed for business users in mind. The company has targeted Lenovo ThinkPad T570 laptop towards business use and less for regular or student usage. It aims for business users requiring security and privacy features. The laptop comes with