WhatsApp introduces a new feature called WhatsApp Status Feature to allow users to edit posts with texts, emojis and finger drawings like Snapchat and Instagram Stories. The new Status feature automatically becomes visible on your app. Here is everything we want to know about it. What is New WhatsApp Status Feature? Since launch of WhatsApp,
Google Photos Updated With Three Incredible Features
Google Photos is getting a big update with inclusion of the ability to share photo albums. The three new amazing features are designed to make sharing pictures easier. The features are aimed at making it easier to share pictures with their friends and family. The most significant feature added to the updated Google Photos is
Facebook Launches Moments App to Share Photos with Friends Privately
Facebook has come up with a new standalone app for exchanging pictures with friends and the app is called as Moments. Most of the times, it happens that our pictures are taken by our friends and it gets hard to get the photos from your friends. Also, even when you get them from your friends,