New Gear VR Headset Samsung has officially launched the latest version of its Gear VR headset at MWC 2017. The original product is in very much line with the rumors and leaks that have been going around for a while. This is for the first time that the South Korean company introduces a VR controller
Samsung New Gear VR Unveiled With Wider Field Of View
Samsung New Gear VR Samsung has given USB Type-C port to the newest Galaxy Note 7 but what will become of the Gear VR? Well, they are making a new one. The new, more comfortable version of VR headset will be available for purchase on August 19th, the same day the phone itself goes on
Samsung Internet for Gear VR Browser Launched
An Introduction to Samsung Internet The Samsung Internet for Gear VR browser has been announced by the tech giant and is arriving in beta. it will support 360-degree videos and 3D experiences. Samsung is introducing Internet for Gear VR to provide a web browser for people who own its VR headset. The app allows users