An Overview of Acceptance Testing

In the various levels of testing, acceptance Testing is the fifth level of testing and is conducted to test that all the requirements have been achieved according to the clients’ requirements. In other words, Acceptance Testing is a process of testing the software for its acceptability. It is the last phase of testing performed under

An Introduction to Regression Testing

Regression Testing is a fourth level of testing and is conducted to make sure that the changes to the software do not adversely affect it. This type of testing is done when some enhancements or defect fixes are made to the software. In simple words, it means re-testing an application when its code has been

System Testing- Testing Of a Fully Integrated Product

System Testing is the third level of testing process conducted in software testing. It is a process of testing the software as a whole complete integrated system. In simple words, the process of testing an integrated system is to investigate that it meets specified requirements (SRS) is known as “system testing”. [leaderad] Let’s get a

Integration Testing – A Vital Level of Software Testing Process

Integration Testing is an important phase of software testing where the individual modules are combined and are tested together as a group. Thus, it is a process of testing where the parts of software application are tested for their working behavior. [leaderad] “Integration Testing” as the name suggests, is the process of testing integrated parts

Comparison of Different Software Testing Methods

In the field of software testing, we make use of different software testing methods. These are conducted to provide information about the quality of the product or service. Test methodologies focus on executing the program with the purpose of finding bugs or other defects. There are three popular methods for software testing: black box testing,