Huawei has launched Watch 2 and Watch 2 Classic smartwatches at MWC 2017. These watches come with cellular connectivity. This time, Huawei is targeting customers that priorities fitness features above aesthetics or general smartwatch uses. The company has also integrated Fit Program that offers personalized training service based on your schedule, current fitness and goal.
App of the Week – Hands Free
Meet Hands Free App Google has piloted a new voice-activated app called Hands Free to make purchases more convenient and quick. The app will let users to buy goods without the need of taking out wallets or phones. The app uses your face and your phone’s location as the two identifying factors for making the
Apple Pay vs. Samsung Pay vs. Android Pay
Paying with smartphones is becoming a common thing. Mobile payments are growing each passing year and their role is surely going to increase in near future. In addition to Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Wallet are also popular mobile payment services. Right now, only Apple Pay is available for users while the other two