Xiaomi has unveiled its Redmi Note 3 smartphone which boasts several improvements over last year’s Redmi Note 4G device. The pocket-friendly phone comes with a metallic makeover and comes with company’s first fingerprint sensor. The addition of a fingerprint sensor, located on the back, is still a rarity in the budget segment. The 16GB variant
Pebble Time Introduces iOS Text Reply
Pebble has announced expansion of voice control features in its Pebble Time line of smartwatches. The company has made its smartwatches with iPhone a bit more-friendly by adding iOS text replies. Now, one can reply via text with the iPhone. It’s the same type of functionality you will find in Apple Watch, but Pebble Time
Google Photos Update Helps Free Up Space on Your Phone
One of the main concerns of every Android user is running out of storage space on a mobile. The latest Google Photos update has solved this problem as it frees up storage space on smartphones running Android software. About Google Photos Update The update for Google Photos app is divided in two sections. Google Photos
Facebook Debuts Instant Articles on Android in India
Facebook has rolled out Instant Articles in India for Android device users. The feature was launched back in May on iPhone in US and Western Europe and is now coming to Android devices in India. What is this Instant Articles feature? Instant Articles allows faster loading of articles for selected publishers. It gives you access
Meet The Newly Redesigned Google+
Google is taking another shot at building a successful network with complete redesigning of Google+. Yes, Google has redesigned Google+ with amazing new features and here are the details. Redesigned Google+ The newly redesigned Google+ focuses on two key features that have turned out to be user favorites. In the official blog post, Google says
Facebook Public Profile Details to Appear in Google Search
Facebook and Google have partnered to make the mobile app more search-friendly. With this partnership, any post, picture or video which has been set as Public Post could reflect in Google search made on mobile. This implies that your Facebook public profile information will appear on mobile search results as well. What does this update
Microsoft Rolls Out New PowerPoint Features
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most used presentation tool and many organizations use their graphic tools and templates. Microsoft has announced two new PowerPoint features to make presentations more beautiful. These two new features are called Morph and Designer. Here are the complete details. New PowerPoint Features About Designer The new Designer feature will automatically look
Swipe Junior Smartphone Launched at Rs. 5,999
Swipe Technologies is a Pune-based smartphone and tablet maker company. It has launched India’s first android Smartphone for kids named ‘Swipe Junior’ priced at Rs. 5,999 in India. It has been designed for kids in the age group of 5-15 years and comes with excellent parental control features. Shripal Gandhi, Founder & CEO, Swipe Technologies
Samsung Gear V2 Now Available for Pre-order
Samsung has started accepting pre-orders for the long-awaited virtual reality device, the Gear VR. The headset is much improved with 19% lighter than its predecessor and is cheaper, too. You just need to pay $99 to own a Samsung Gear VR headset. It will begin shipping from November 20. About Samsung Gear V2 Developed in
Facebook Introduces Notify, A Notification App
The social networking giant, Facebook, launched a new standalone app called Notify to give users customized notifications on their smartphones. About Notify The new app unites news notifications and alerts to create a single livestream on the lock screen. Notify will send a notification to users whenever a participating publisher posts a content. You will