Running a successful online business requires you to process credit card payments. If you’re new to payment gateways, this blog provides you basic understanding of how credit cards work. It’s good to know how credit card transactions work as the fees are incurred at various systems and knowing the working system helps you save money.
How to Block Game Requests on Facebook
If you are like me who is tired of receiving constant game requests by friends on Facebook? Probably yes, that’s why you are still reading this post. Well, the good thing is that it is easy to block game requests. You can get rid of all unwanted requests and invites by making small settings changes.
How to Remove Write Protection from SD Card or USB Drive?
In today’s post, we are covering how to remove write protection from memory cards or pen drives. The write protection does not allow a user to copy or transfer any of the files stored in memory cards to the device. It also prevents files from deletion and formatting. When your memory card is refusing to
How to Recover Lost Data from Android?
Whether you have accidentally deleted important files or corrupted your operating system through software update, here are the top tools to recover lost data from android. These data recovery tools help to quickly recover lost or deleted data files. Here are the best tools to recover lost data from android based mobile devices: 1) Wondershare
How to Disable Snap View in Windows 7/8
Snap View is a nice feature first introduced in Windows 7 and is present in Windows 8 and 8.1 as well. This feature shows two windows side-by-side on the same screen. It works when you drag an open window to the side of the screen and window will automatically snaps into place. It offers an
How to Secure Your USB Drive?
USB drives are small, portable devices that have the capacity to store large files and documents. They are an ideal way to move data between computers and are heavily used these days. These convenient and inexpensive flash memory sticks and drives help individuals and organizations to handle their data needs. At the same time, one
How to Remove Cortana Search Box in Windows 10
One of the features in Windows 10 is the new Cortana search box. By default, the search box sits between the Start button and your pinned items. Though it’s a convenient feature to have search box in the taskbar but if you’re living outside US, then search feature is limited to text-only searches. The Cortana
How to Get Old Calculator in Windows 10?
With Windows 10, Microsoft has removed the old calculator app from Windows. It has been replaced with a Modern app. Although the modern app looks elegant but many people are not happy with this change as the older one was faster and more useful for keyboard users. The modern app has been specifically useful for
How to Use Google for Search In iPhone, iPad And Mac?
If you love to use Google for search queries, you can easily set up Google as the default search engine whether you’re using an iPhone, iPad or Mac. Here are the ways to do the same. Safari in iOS The Safari Browser work incredibly in your iPhone or iPad but when you search for a
How to Use Cortana on Windows 10?
Are you excited about using Cortana on your desktop? Yes, Cortana which was first available for Windows Phone customers will now support PC and tablets as well with release of Windows 10. Cortana is your personal assistant which helps you get the things done by interacting with you naturally. She provides you quick access to