10 Best Android Grocery List Apps of 2017 For Free

With technological advancement, there’s no need to keep paper grocery list to keep track of your groceries. The grocery list apps are always there with you and allow you to add things easily and quickly. You need not to worry about recalling the items as you can have the list with you at all the

Top 10 Media Players for Windows 10

For watching your favorite movies, you need a powerful media player that supports most video and audio formats. If you are also movie freak or loves listening to music, consider downloading media player on your Windows PC. The default Windows Media Player is not enough and we require a better option to enjoy our movies

Facebook AI Image Search Allows You to Search Pictures by Content

Facebook AI Image Search Many Facebook users face the problem of searching for images that they have posted unless they are properly tagged. When one forgets to tag or add a description when uploading a picture, it can tough to find that image at a later date. Facebook has announced an AI image search system

Uwear U11S Smartwatch – Gorgeous, Powerful and Affordable

Uwear U11S Smartwatch These days, smartwatches are in great demand. Almost every smartphone manufacturer, ranging from the big giants like Apple, Samsung to the new entrants, is offering its series of smartwatches. Some companies are able to provide a powerful smartwatch with strong hardware features while some pay more attention towards the look. Here, we

Unleash Your Creativity with These Adult Coloring Apps

10 Best Adult Coloring Apps Coloring books among kids are very popular. However, the concept of adults doing them is a great way to relive stress and anxiety. Coloring apps help one to de-stress oneself from the daily pressure ad relaxes the mind. There is no dearth of adult coloring apps available today and here

Top 10 Cloud Storage Providers of 2017

These days, cloud storage has become common. It allows one to keep the files safe and secure from potential security threats. If one does not have cloud storage service, it can result in severe loss of data and useful documents. Security is one of the essential factors that lead to the need for reliable cloud

Pentax KP DSLR Shoots High Resolution Pictures and Features Compact Design

Click Quality Pictures with Pentax KP Ricoh Imaging has released a brand-new compact, waterproof DSLR called Pentax KP. It comes with five-axis body stabilization and extreme low-light sensitivity. It has specifically been designed for night photography. The DSLR goes on sale from February 25 for $1099 and is now available for pre-order at Amazon. Let’s

10 Best Wireless Mice That Offer Good Value for Money

Best Wireless Mice Wireless mice offer you great convenience of working on your laptop without any clutter of wires. These are fast, responsive and feature good build quality. They allow you to communicate with your computer wirelessly and are compatible with most devices. As these are wireless, you can move them anywhere you want. Here

Snapchat Latest Update Brings Universal Search Bar and More Features

Amazing New Features in Snapchat Latest Update Snapchat is rolling out a new design which includes a new search bar front and center. It makes it easier to start chats with friends and groups from anywhere in the app. Originally announced earlier this month, a big Snapchat update just hits the App Store. Here are

Apple Rolls out Updates for macOS, tvOS, watchOS and iOS

macOS 10.12.3 macOS 10.12.3 update improves automatic GPU switching on the latest MacBook Pro models. It also resolves some issues with Adobe Premiere Pro. The update includes a patch of total of 11 CVE-listed vulnerabilities such as use-after-free vulnerability in macOS Bluetooth components, three flaws in PHP and many more. Apple has resolved the problem