LG Levitating Bluetooth Speaker PJ9 Coming to CES 2017

LG Levitating Bluetooth Speaker LG has announced to launch a new Bluetooth speaker at the CES 2017 to be held in Las Vegas in the month of January. According to LG, the levitation electromagnets are housed within the LG levitating Bluetooth speaker which allow it to float in mid-air without need of any external support

Momento GIFs – Bring Your Photos to Life is Our App of the Week

Momento GIFs: Create GIFs With release of iOS 10, Apple launched its application store for updated iMessage. One of the popular apps in the slot was Momento which allows one to create GIF animations and share them easily. Now, Momento GIFs is not only available as an extension to iMessage but also as a standalone

Minecraft Apple TV Edition Released for $19.99 in US

Minecraft Apple TV Edition Mojang has today announced the release of Minecraft on Apple TV. The app is already live and is available to download in some regions. The sandbox building game is releasing for $19.99. The announcement was made in October that the game would be making its debut on Apple TV and now

Super Mario Run: A Perfect Mobile Mario Launches for iOS

Super Mario Run – Endless Challenges Finally! The wait is over. Mario Fans: Nintendo officially releases Super Mario Run. The game is available on both iPhone and iPad in 151 different countries and regions. It lets you play Nintendo’s most famous character, Mario. It comes with a free demo but the full access costs $9.99.

Apple Support App: Your Personalized Guide, App of the Week

Apple Support Apple launches the Support app on the US App Store. This new standalone app was first become available in the Netherlands and now, the app has widely been made available. Apple Support app recently released on iOS platform is our app of the week. It is available for download and works on iPhone,

How to Use the New Group Chat Feature of Snapchat Groups

Snapchat Groups While Instagram is always working to come up with Snapchat-like feature and the recent one was like Facebook Live Video Feature, Snapchat has now added something that Instagram has for long. Snapchat Groups is the latest feature that comes with the newly updated app. Groups, as we all know, lets you chat in

Events from Facebook Launches for Android Users

Events from Facebook: Now in Play Store After two months of launching Events from Facebook on iOS platform, Facebook launches the app for the Android users as well. The calendar-based app is no more iOS exclusive and lets you control your social life in a better way. It arrives just in time for your holiday

7 Cool GIF Keyboard Apps for Android to Share GIFs

In recent past, the popularity of Emojis and GIFs has been on rise. They are increasingly getting popular among every genre of population. These GIFs are funny, these are cute, these let you express our feelings and do a lot more. They offer a convenient and visually appealing way of sharing messages. Google Play Store

Bluetooth 5 Now Available Officially to Device Manufacturers

Bluetooth 5 Official Bluetooth is the quintessential wireless standard to communicate with each other across small distances. It continues to evolve as the global wireless standard for secure connectivity. Now, the Bluetooth 5 version is official. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group has first unveiled the Bluetooth 5 in June and now the new spec has

Clip and Save From Any App with Microsoft Clip Layer, App of the Week

Microsoft Clip Layer: Clip and Share Effortlessly Microsoft has released a new Android app called Clip Layer to make it hassle-free to copy and share content from any app. For PC users, it is very easy to select, copy and share snippets of text. With a couple of mouse clicks, one can copy and share