Facebook AI Image Search
Many Facebook users face the problem of searching for images that they have posted unless they are properly tagged. When one forgets to tag or add a description when uploading a picture, it can tough to find that image at a later date. Facebook has announced an AI image search system which is capable of seeing the content in the picture. The built-in AI image search system can see things in your photos. Also, it can understand the content of the pictures and videos. Initially, Facebook AI was used to improve the experience for visually impaired members of Facebook community and is now powering image content search for all users.
Facebook images scored for a people_riding_on_animal model
How it Works?
Facebook also explains on its blog, the search is based on tags and text. The images need to have the right tags and captions. Now, you can search for photos on Facebook using any keyboard that describes the content of the picture. So, if you can’t remember when a picture was taken but remember the content, you might be able to find it with ease. For example, you can search for “pictures of burger” or “red saree photos”. The results will highlight posts from your friends that match the search results. The results show higher in the grid and will be followed by other relevant images that you may be interested in. Facebook also appears to tie results with other context clues such as captions or comments.
Comparing scores between similar models on the same photos
The image-recognition feature of Facebook is similar to the one in iOS 10 or Google Photos. You will be able to sort through pictures that your friends have shared and find exactly the right ones. Facebook developers have used a deep learning network to train the system to identify objects using tens of millions of pictures with proper annotations.
The photo search update is available to mobile as well as web users in US.
So, what are your thoughts about Facebook AI Image Search? Share with us in the comments section.