After months of iteration we are able to see Plastc Payment Card in action and is finally ready for field testing. This will be the first of many videos they plan to share showing plastc payment card in action in real life scenarios.>
So What is Plastc?
For those who are new to plastc and if your are tired of carrying bulky wallets and multiple credit cards, debit cards, membership cards, loyalty and reward cards then take a peak into the All-in-One Plastc Payment Card. You can store up to 20 cards on the card storage and flatten your wallet. Now all you have to carry is one card.
In this video Ryan Marquis CEO of Plastc uses his Plastc Card to buy a bag of chips using a prototype version of the card. Plastc is slated to begin shipping in Q2, 2017 and will work anywhere that supports magnetic stripe or Visa NFC at launch. It will be integrated with a unique 3.2 inch e-ink touchscreen for easy display and retrieval of cards stored.
Watch Plastc Payment Card in Action
Security should be a paramount when it comes to payment cards and its very well integrated into Plastc with options like Secure Pin to unlock the card for use, Proximity Alerts if you loose your card or forget it at the counter, and also Remote Wipe which will erase all of the information stored on the Card if its stolen or lost.
Even better, there is also an Emergency Card Mode that will automatically put the card in power save mode in the event battery is low. It is by far the best All-in-One Payment Card option. You will be able to Add, manage and sync your cards to Plastc with intuitive and simple app Plastc Wallet. This Wallet App doubles as a Personal Finance Management system so you can see all your account transactions and balances in one place.
For more details and comparison of plastc with other all-in-one cards you can read our comparison post here.
And if you choose to Pre-Order Plastc today you can get $20 off
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