Facebook App Battery Draining Issue
One of the biggest issues being faced by Android smartphone users is the low battery life. Though the touch-notch Android smartphones are powerful but unfortunately, they don’t have endless battery life. When talking about the biggest battery-drainers of your Android phones, Facebook app is among the top ones. The hugely-popular smartphone app has been hit with controversy after several reports showing that the app drained battery life and slowed performance of the phone. It has been reported that Facebook app negatively affects users’ smartphones and disproportionately drains the battery.
What the Reports Say?
Many reports have shown that battery life goes up by 20% just from removing one app. Also, there are various anecdotal reports of boosted speeds as well.
The experiment was prompted by finding from Russell Holly, a contributing editor at Android Central. Holly found that other apps on his phone launched 15% faster when he deleted Facebook and Facebook Messenger from his phone. Similar experience was found when Reddit user, pbrandes_eth tested the app’s impact on the performance of LG G4. He conducted a few tests with his android smartphone to check how Facebook app affected device’s performance. They checked how long it look to launch 15 apps, first with Facebook and Messenger apps installed and then by uninstalling them. By repeating the process for 15 times and then averaging the results, they come to the conclusion that apps opened on their Android phone 15% faster when Facebook and Messenger were not installed.
According to a Guardian writer, Samuel Gibbs claimed that after uninstalling the app, his Nexus 6P saved an extra 20% of battery life on an average each day.
“Despite the Facebook app not showing up as using a significant amount of power within Android’s built-in battery statistics, it was evidently consuming more power in the background than it needed to,” wrote Gibbs.
During the iOS battery life controversy, Facebook said they were looking into the battery draining issue. But, it appears that the problem persists on Android.
So, What’s the Alternative?
For all those looking to speed up their Android devices can uninstall the Facebook app to drastically improve their battery life. Alternatively, you can use the social network’s well-designed mobile website in browser to get an app-like experience and without paying much load on the device.
Undoubtedly, Facebook provides a lot of enjoyment of the users and thus, most people will not clean up their device from Facebook presence. Though its un-installation can improve battery life and speeds up performance, uninstalling it from the Android device is not the choice of most Facebook users. Yes, the users who are experiencing some performance issues in their Android phone can delete it to access Facebook from mobile web browser from time to time.
Do you also feel the same? Have you noticed that Facebook app drains your Android device’s battery rapidly? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!