Huawei has launched its new fitness wearable device called as Honor Band Z1 in India. The fitness tracker is offered by this Chinese technology giant at an affordable price of Rs. 5,499. In terms of design, it sports a circular 1.06-inch OLED display with a 128 x 128 pixel resolution. It looks like a smartwatch and shows time. The fitness band features brushed metal bezel around the dial and there are no physical buttons.
Compatible with both Android and iOS devices, it can connect to your phone via Bluetooth within a radius of 10m. This smart band will show message notifications and incoming call alerts and you can also mute calls easily. It also works with MyFitnessPal app to track user’s sleep schedule as well as their fitness. In addition to this, the band also offers features like call reminders, calorie consumption tracker, calendar, SMS notifications and more.
Talking about its features, it is water and dust proof with IP68 Certification. It includes pedometer that tracks your steps, calories burnt and other activities. You can also track your sleep and has silent alarm to wake you up.
The Band Z1 is powered by a Cortex M4 STM32F411 chipset along with a 128KB RAM. It has a rubber wrist strap and houses a 70mAh battery that lasts for up to 4 days on a single charge and has 14-days of standby time. With a magnetic charging dock, you can charge it fully in 1.5 hours.
It comes with Black, White and Beige color band options and is priced at Rs. 5,499. It will go on sale in India by the end of October.
Do you like this new Honor Band Z1 by Huawei? Share your views with us in the comments.
While you are here, you can check out our other post about fitness bands and wearable’s.
- Sony SmartBand 2 with Heart Rate Sensor
- Moov Fitness Tracker Review
- Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch
- Pebble Time Smartwatch Review
- Asus VivoWatch Review
- Garmin Fenix 3 Smartwatch Review
- Xiomi Mi Band Review
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