Just few days after the launch of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, Apple brings iPad Mini 4 to Indian markets. The prices for iPad mini Wi-Fi starts at Rs. 28,900 for 16GB storage variant, Rs. 35,900 for 64GB variant and Rs. 42,900 for 128GB variant. There’s Wi-Fi+ Cellular Variants also available, with 16GB costs Rs. 38,900, 64GB priced at Rs. 45,900 and 128GB costs Rs. 52,900.
Talking about the specifications, iPad Mini 4 sports a 7.9 inch 1536 x 2048 display with a pixel density of 324ppi. It has Apple A8 chip carrying a 1.5GHz dual-core CPU accompanied by a PowerVR GX6450 GPU. It comes with 2GB of RAM to keep the multi-tasking going on smoothly.
Apple iPad mini 4 is a beautiful piece of design and comes in space grey, silver and gold color variants. The screen is identical to iPad mini 3 but has a fully laminated display. The color accuracy and brightness has been improved. Apple has also made it easier to read in direct sunlight with this iPad version.
Battery life
iPad Mini 4 comes with A8 chip along with 2GB of RAM which makes iPad mini 4 more powerful than previous versions. Battery life has always been an amazing feature of iPads and with this, you get 5124mAh battery which gives you about 10 hours of video playback.
On the photography front, it comes equipped with an 8-megapixel primary camera and a 1.2 megapixel front-facing FaceTime HD camera. In addition to these features, it comes with iOS 9 and the connectivity options cover 4G LTE (Wi-Fi + Cellular variant), Bluetooth and Wi-Fi 802.11ac. It also supports next-gen Touch ID fingerprint sensor.
How different is iPad Mini 4 from iPad Mini 3?
Let’s have a comparison table of this latest version of iPad Mini with its previous one. Here’s a look at the changes made by Apple in the recent one.
A quick look at iPad Mini 4 and iPad Mini 3:
Specifications | iPad Mini 4 | iPad Mini 3 | GENERAL Display |
7.9 inch IPS LCD Retina display | 7.9 inch IPS LCD Retina display | Resolution | 2,048 x 1,536 (326ppi) | 2,048 x 1,536 (326ppi) |
Weight | 298 or 304g | 331 or 341g |
iOS 9 | iOS 8 |
Processor | Apple A8 | Apple A7 |
Memory | 2GB | 1GB |
CAMERA Rear Camera |
8MP iSight, f/2.4, 1080p | 5MP iSight, f/2.4, 1080p |
Front Camera | 1.2 FaceTime | 1.2 FaceTime, 720p |
BATTERY | 10 hours | 10 hours |
v4.2 | v4.0 |
WiFi | Dual-band 802.11a/b/g/n/ac | Dual-band 802.11a/b/g/n/ |
Accelerometer, Gyroscope | Yes | Yes |
Do you like the features and pricing of iPad Mini 4? Are you going to purchase it? Share your views with us in the comments!
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