Microsoft has launched a sixth model to its range of Surface Pro 3 tablets. It comes with Core i7 processor and 128GB of storage. This newcomer is the most affordable variant of the group with an Intel Core i7 CPU. It comes with 8GB of RAM and costs $1,299. The price happens to the same as the price of version with Intel Core i5, 256GB of onboard storage and 8GB of RAM. Thus, this model allows users to go with a powerful Intel processor along with same amount of RAM for the same price.
This is the sixth model of Surface Pro 3 models, with three of them coming with Intel Core i7 and 8GB of RAM. Previously, the least amount of storage one gets with i7 and 8GB was 256GB and now this option of 128GB comes with $250 cheaper than the 256GB model. This newest model with 128GB i7 based Surface Pro priced at #1299 – the same as 8GB/256GB option with lesser core i5 chip.
Here are the details about six models of Surface Pro 3 tablets:
- i3-4GB RAM-64GB – $799
- i5-4GB RAM-128GB – $999
- i5-8GB RAM-256GB – $1299
- i7-8GB RAM-128GB – $1299
- i7-8GB RAM-256GB – $1549
- i7-8GB RAM-512GB – $1949
This new variant features a 12-inch 3:2 ClearType Full HD 10-point multi-touch display. Powered by Core i7 processor, it comes with 8GB RAM and 128GB of internal memory. The connectivity options include WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.0 LE, full USB 3.0, Micro USB charging port and Mini Display port. It has battery life of up to 9 hours of web browsing.
The Surface Pro 3 comes with a 5 megapixel front and rear cameras for selfies and video calling. It runs on Windows 8.1 Pro OS and will be upgradable to Windows 10, when it will be available. Microsoft is offering this cheaper option before making way for the Surface Pro 4.
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