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Time to Upgrade WP Smush Plugin


WP Smush Plugin by WPMU Dev is a popular WordPress plugin and is used to reduce image file sizes. This plugin allows you to strip meta data from images, optimizes compression and successfully converts GIF files to PNG. It offers a quick and effective way to reduce the file size of uploaded images on your website.

About WP Smush Plugin

This plugin improves performance of your website as faster the site loads, more the search engines like it. It plays an incredible role in boosting your SEO efforts.

Since recently, it is popularly known as Smush.It and is now upgraded to WP Smush Plugin to provide all-new experience to the users. The developers adopted free WP Smush.It plugin from Yahoo and depended to Yahoo smushing servers until now. But, when Yahoo silently took down their servers, the developers at WPMU provided a server for the purpose. Users are now required to upgrade their plugin and enjoy smushing experience even better. Now, they have created their own API and a new cloud config.

New and upgraded WP Smush is incredibly powerful and reduces file sizes without losing quality. You will experience 100% free image smushing process. Also, it now supports HTTPS. With this upgrade, you’re no longer experience timeouts on Yahoo’s servers.

Here is a compilation of amazing features of WP Smush plugin:

  • Optimizes your images
  • Supports JPEG, GIF and PNG image files
  • Smushes images up to 1 MB size
  • View compression statistics
  • Auto-smush while uploading

WP Smush

Some useful insights about WP Smush Plugin:
Cost: Free
Developer: WPMU Dev
Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Active Installs: 200,000+
Compatible up to: 4.2
Download WP Smush Plugin

WP Smush Pro

Smush Pro version gives you with more powerful features. When you want to smush images super faster, pro is the best way to do. It super smushes your images by getting more than 60% compression and that too without any quality loss. Have a look at its features:

  • Fast Load Times
  • Optimizes all images
  • Easy setup
  • Super-smush to compress images
  • Smush images up to 8 MB
  • Keep backup of original images as well
  • 24/7/365 support

WP Smush

Do you use WP Smush Plugin? What has been your experience of using it? Let us know in the comments!

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