The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 launch date has now been confirmed for September 3, just six days before Apple is expected to launch its new iPhone 6. Samsung has reportedly sent out invites for its 2014 event scheduled for September 3rd to introduce its latest flagship phablet, the much anticipated Galaxy Note 4. The handset is expected to be a game changer in the Android space. The company has repeatedly claimed that the product would indeed be a design refresh from the past.
Although the invite does not mention Note 4, but Samsung traditionally launches the next iteration of the NOTE family at the IFA event, like launch of Galaxy Note 3 on September 6 at IFA last year.
The company will be hosting its Unpacked 2014 Episode 2 launch event happening across three cities around the globe – Berlin, Beijing and New York. It appears that Samsung is going to take the fight to companies like Apple in countries of The United States, Europe and China. The company will offer a live feed on YouTube that will go live on the event day.
Apple’s iPhone 6 as well as Samsung Galaxy Note 4 are rumored to be powerful smartphones. It is still not clear when the release date of these two will take place. Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is expected to be equipped with a number of high-end features to challenge the competition. Galaxy Note 4 rumors suggest that it will feature a brand new design, upgraded camera sensor, new software, fingerprint reader, a 5.7 inch display and more.
When it comes to price, Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is not going to be cheap. At launch, Samsung Galaxy Note 3 cost £649; the price of Galaxy Note 4 is expected to be at a similar level. Stay tuned for all latest Samsung Galaxy Note 4 rumors, price, and release date and updates.
What features do you want to see in Galaxy Note 4? Let us know in the comments.