Apps & Games

5 Best Quit-Smoking Apps for Windows Phone

Cigarette smoking is an addictive and bad habit. It can be costly to both your health as well as your wallet. Here are some of the best quit-smoking apps for Windows Phone that help you get rid of smoking and they act as a source of encouragement to your journey of living a smoke-free life. These apps have been quite effective in helping you kick the habit of smoking cigarettes.

Here is our list of the best quit-smoking apps:

1)   KickSmoking

KickSmoking is a useful app that has been designed to help you resist cravings. It records the amount of time that you’ve been smoke free and how much money you have saved. These statistics acts as a form of encouragement to help you get rid of your smoking habit. The app also records the number of cigarettes avoided and resisted. It is one of the most beneficial quit-smoking apps that keep you motivated to quit smoking.
Cost: Free
Publisher: ConceptHQ
Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Size: 1MB
Works with: Windows Phone 7.5 and above
Download KickSmoking

quit-smoking appsquit-smoking apps

2)   Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking helps you to quit smoking by giving you valuable feedbacks on how much you smoke each day. You need to click “I Smoke” button to tell the application that you are smoking and by clicking “I don’t smoke”, you tell the application that you really want to smoke but successfully avoided it. You can also add a missed cigarette.
Cost: Free
Publisher: Matthieu Patite
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars
Size: 5 MB
Works with: Windows Phone 8 and above
Download Stop Smoking

quit-smoking appsquit-smoking apps

3)   Smoke Free

Smoke Free is a useful app that helps you calculate for how long you have not been smoking. With this app, you can also share your results with friends and family on social networks.
Cost: Free
Publisher: Devil70Soft
Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Size: 2 MB
Works with: Windows Phone 7.5 and above
Download Smoke Free

quit-smoking appsquit-smoking apps

4)   Smoke-Me!

Smoke-Me! helps you get rid of cigarettes each day. It works by taking use of the PLACEBO effect. This app takes into consideration the scientific findings and helps the brain to feel like “smoking a cigarette.” It works by providing an animation that runs for about 40 seconds. You can see the graphics, listen to the sound and feel the vibration. There are also electromagnetic waves that make you feel like smoking.
Cost: Free
Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars
Download Size: 16 MB
Works with: Windows Phone 7.5 and up
Download Smoke-Me!

quit-smoking appsquit-smoking apps

5)   iQuit!

iQuit! is among widely popular quit-smoking apps available for Windows Phone. It helps you quit smoking by giving you a detailed view about how your body regenerates after your last cigarette. You just simply click on the tiles and get information about how high blood pressure harms your body over time. This app comes with great customization features.
Cost: $ 0.99
Publisher: Henning Schulz
Ratings: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Size: < 1 MB Works with: Windows Phone 7 and above
Download iQuit!

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The Bottom Line

Are you looking for an easy way to quit smoking? The above listed quit-smoking apps help you in achieving your goal by motivating you at every point of time to quit smoking and enjoy a healthy life.

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